Stichting Caucasus Foundation       International Center for Culture and Science


CDA 2018

CDA 2018 – 16-17 November, guest speakers: Ms. Doris Pack, Former Chair of Culture and Education committee at the European Parliament, Ambassador Karl-Erik Norman, Chair of ECP. Presentation of the program We are the Europe

Public lecture by Dareusc Koscinsky

Gurowskie’s Scenography in the Grotowski’s performances, public lecture by Dareusc Koscinsky, at the Rustaveli National Theatre, co-organised by ARI

Georgian-Polish PA Platform

Georgian-Polish PA Platform, organised by ITI Georgian Centre dedicated to ITI 70-year anniversary, in partnership with ARI, June 2018

Georgian Theatre Show Case

Georgian Theatre Show Case, organised by ITI Georgian Centre dedicated to ITI 70-year anniversary, in partnership with ARI, June 2018

EFFE LABEL awards ceremony

EFFE LABEL awards ceremony in Georgia in cooperation with EU delegation at the EU and NATO information centre 4 festivals from Georgia were awarded with EU quality label, June 2017

EFFE Label program presentation

EFFE Label program presentation at the ministry of culture Georgia and at the ministry of Culture of Adjara Autonomic republic of Georgia, presented by Gert Nassens program coordinator at EFA and Naima … EFA PR officer and Levan Khetaguri Head of Georgian Hub, and Anuki Kvinikadze Georgian HUB coordinator. January 2017

EFFE Georgian HUB

Caucasus Foundation became partner for EFA EFFE program and was opened EFFE Georgian HUB

Europe for Citizens/Future of Europe

Europe for Citizens/Future of Europe, selected participants invited to Berlin to attend Berlin conference 9-10 November, 2017, project is supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Alianz Kultur Berlin in partnership with ASfE.

Europe for Citizens/Future of Europe

Europe for Citizens/Future of Europe, interactive workshop for youth and students, supported by Adenauer Foundation and ASfE, berlin, Workshop was runes by Steve Austen NL, Andreas Brock Germany, Levan Khetaguri, Georgia , Georgian partner Youth Palace of Georgia in Tbilisi, By organisers were invited young participants to discussed future of Europe from different ethnic backgrounds, October 2017

Culture Diplomacy Academy

Culture Diplomacy Academy, Inauguration and opening by Alliance of Partners. In cooperation with ASfE, ECP, SCF and Youth Palace of Georgia in Tbilisi, November 2017

Georgian Panel at the Berlin Conference

Georgian Panel at the Berlin Conference, organised by ASfE and Caucasus Foundation, Berlin Conference November 9-10, 2017, Georgian Panel with Mr. V. Dolidze Georgian Minister of European Integration, Mr. Giorgi Sharvashidze Rector of Tbilisi State University, Mr. David Sakvarelidze Director of Tsinandali Festival, Dr. Levan Khetaguri Director of AR , panel was moderated by Mr. Steve Austen, ARI was partner of the preparation of this panel in cooperation with SCF and ASfE.


photo exhibition at the Youth Palace of Georgia

Europe of Citizens, Future of Europe

Europe of Citizens, Future of Europe, ASfE workshop organized by SCF with support of Adenauer Foundation

in partnership with National Youth Palace

11-15 October

This October, National Youth and Children's Palace is hosting "A Soul for Europe"
How to build a common European public space and foster a sense of responsibility for the future of Europe? Stichting Caucasus Foundation, members of the "A Soul for Europe" initiative and the National Youth and Children's Palace will organize workshops for Georgian students and representatives of civil society. The workshop is targeted at the young generation of Georgia having different ethnic backgrounds and will discuss topics concerning the European crisis, the expectations of young people from European institutions and platforms as well as their own ideas when it comes to the future of the EU and their city in 20 years. The results of the workshop will be presented to a representative from the local authorities during a public event. We are excited that the identified topics will be elaborated in a panel at the annual "A Soul for Europe" Conference 2017 in Berlin.
Project is organized with the general support of Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Tbilisi.


Forum Tblissi "Future of Citizens - Future of Europe"

11-15 October 2017, organized by Stichting Caucasus Foundation /In the frame of 20th anniversary of Foundation/ in partnership with Youth National Palace, results will be presented at the A Soul for Europe Conference 2017 in Berlin. Thanks to the generous support of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Tblissi.

Main topics of the workshop:

A Soul for Europe

Think - Imagine - Act - Workshop for young people in Georgia (draft concept)

Thinking of Georgia/Europe -What is the most European moment of your life you can think of?


Imagining Georgia & Europe -a) Imagine Georgian society/your city in 20 years if relations with EU will improve / b) Imagine Georgian society/your city in 20 years if EU does not exist anymore

How the initiative A Soul for Europe and its bottom-up-approach can help to encourage Georgian citizens to be more active for Europe

What should (local/national/European) politicians do to improve our Georgian society? What can I do individually or in a group (as a citizen) to improve my society?

How ASfE could work with the proposals of participants (i.e. social media, handing them over to politicians/decision makers, article/blog entry about wishes and imaginations) What are the most important policy recommendation & ideas for activism?

How to take action with A Soul for Europe and how you can act being a young citizen in Tbilisi

In Tbilisi 60 young Georgians imagined the future and discussed how they can shape their country as citizens.

Workshop experts:

Steve Austen: For me, as one of the earliest adapters of SCF activities in Georgia, I can see the enormous (positive) changes that have taken place in the knowledge, comparative thinking and originality of ideas that are common nowadays in the invited generation.

Many thanks to SCF that has an impressive track record in this field.

The support of Adenauer Foundation was essential for the great success of this encounter with the future decision making class of Georgia.

Andreas Bock: It can be concluded that at least among young, educated Georgians from urban areas there is a strong desire for living in a society that is based on democratic structures, universal values and the rule of law. During the workshop these aspects have been attributed exclusively to the West and more specifically to the European Union.

Dr. Levan Khetaguri: We think that will be important to find the ways to enlarge such workshops out from Tbilisi to other locations and cities as well in other Caucasian countries like Armenia and Azerbaijan.



EFFE 2017 results

4 Georgian festivals were awarded by the EFFE label.

Official ceremony of the certificates delivery was organised by SCF as EFFE Hub in Tbilisi at the NATO and EU informational centre.



On June 27, 13:00, “NATO & EU Info Center” hosted „EFFE Label 2017-2018” Program final meeting and award ceremony in Georgia.

Within the meeting EFFE Georgian Hub representatives on the framework of EFA and Stiching Caucasus Foundation awarded „EFFE Label 2017-2018” Program winner festivals from Georgia.

We are very glad to inform you that from Georgia for the first time Europe featured festivals have become the following ones:

1) International Animation Film Festival – NIKOZI
2) Batumi Music Fest
3) Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre
4) GIFT in Tbilisi in honor of Mikhail Tumanishvili

“EFFE Label” is their international recognition guarantee, and another success on the way of European Integration.

International Animation Film Festival “Nikozi”
GIFT - Georgian International Festival of Arts in Tbilisi
Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre
Batumi Music Fest


With the support of SCF by ARI was published book by Levan Khetaguri “Mith, Paradihm and Histry in British Drama” in Georgian language.

ASfE in Georgia

SCF as one of the offices of ASfE in Tbilisi starting preparation for a youth forum workshop,, by the strategic group members about citizenship and EU issues.

Georgia-Iran Performing arts Platform II meeting, Tehran

In the frame of International Seminar was an organised Georgia-Iran Performing art Platform II meeting, moderated by Dr. Levan Khetaguri, meeting was attended by the more than 10 young Iranian theatre representatives. During the was discussed the ways for a possible cooperation.

Seminar of Theater and the Capacity of Non-Governmental Sectors

TEHRAN – Tehran’s City Theater Complex will host the Seminar of Theater and the Capacity of Non-Governmental Sectors from March 5 to 7, 2017.

Sixteen papers from Iran and fourteen papers from different countries including Russia, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Italy, Germany, Spain, Georgia, India, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria and Hungary will be presented at the seminar.

Among the scholars who will attend the colloquium are prominent Italian theater critic Andrea Porcheddu, Georgian theater scholar Levan Khetaguri, German director and playwright Friederike Felbeck, Spanish stage director and playwright Pilar Gonzalez-Almansa and Azerbaijani stage director and scholar Tarlan Rasulov.

30 January, 2017 CDIS presentation at the Ministry

Culture for Development Indicators – Technical Report presentation by SCF and ARI

ევროკავშირისა და აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის კულტურისა და კრეატიულობის პროგრამის ფარგლებში, საქართველოში მიმდინარეობსპროექტი - „კულტურის ინდიკატორები განვითარებისათვის“ (CDIS), რომელიც მიზნად ისახავს ქვეყნის ეკონომიკური და მდგრადი განვითარების საქმეში კულტურის როლის წარმოჩენას.

30 იანვარს, კულტურის სამინისტროში გაიმართა პროექტის ფარგლებში ჩატარებული კვლევის, პირველი ეტაპის პრეზენტაცია. ღონისძიებაში მონაწილეობა მიიღეს საქართველოს კულტურისა და ძეგლთა დაცვის მინისტრმა მიხეილ გიორგაძემ, საერთაშორისო ექსპერტებმა - ნაიმა ბურგემ (საფრანგეთი) და საიმონ ელისმა (კანადა), ასევე სხვადასხვა ორგანიზაციის წარმომადგენლებმა. შეხვედრაზე განიხილეს პროგრამის პირველი ეტაპის შედეგები და ისაუბრეს სამომავლო მიზნებსა და ამოცანებზე.

იუნესკოს მიერ შემუშავებული კულტურის ინდიკატორების კვლევის მეთოდოლოგია იკვლევს კულტურის როლს ქვეყნის პოლიტიკის ისეთ 7 საკვანძო განზომილებაში, როგორიცაა: ეკონომიკა, განათლება, მმართველობა, სოციალური ჩართულობა, გენდერული თანასწორობა, კომუნიკაცია და მემკვიდრეობა.ინდიკატორების შემუშავების მეთოდოლოგია საერთაშორისოდაა აღიარებული ევროკავშირისა და იუნესკოს მიერ.

აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის კულტურის პროგრამის ინიციატივით, კულტურის ინდიკატორების კვლევის მეთოდოლოგიის დანერგვა დაიწყო როგორც საქართველოში, ასევე, უკრაინაში, სომხეთში, აზერბაიჯანსა და ბელორუსსში. ამ პროცესში უკვე ჩართულია მოლდოვა.

ვრცლად იხილეთ ►

ფოტო / კულტურის სამინისტრო/გელა ბედიანაშვილი

თბილისი, 30 იანვარი, 2017 წელი.

IN 2017 SCF is celebrating it's 20th anniversary

20th year of Stichting Caucasus Foundation (SCF) – Representative in Georgia - International Bureau for Caucasian Cultural Programs /IBCCP/

International Center for Culture and Science

Since 1997 in the region

“Twenty years of innovation and civic entrepreneurship, that is how I do validate the enormous endeavour of the founders of SCF and their colleagues and friends.

The wide spread knowledge of Georgia and other regions and countries in the Caucasus all over Europe in cultural and journalistic circles has its origin in activities of SCF . mostly in cooperation with European partners.

The value of the long term influence of SCF’s activities and international networking cannot be overestimated.

A unique cultural and civic engine for mutual understanding and flourishing international relations”.

Steve Austen

Permanent Fellow Felix Meritis Foundation

my Chôros

A presentation of Chôros by Levan Khetaguri from Tbilissiôros-cultural-cooperation-platform-at-the-border/my-chôros-9a3ac825cab2


Chôros has been selected by the European Commission to be presented during the Creative Europe showcase in Brussels, on Thursday 27th of October 2016.
Nicolas (Image Aiguë, Lyon) and Hanna (from Sarajevo) will present to the audience their experience of the project. 
Follow the live stream!


ECP parliament Batumi


Welcome to Batumi and the 15th session of the European Cultural Parliament, ECP!

The “European Cultural Parliament” is a forum for European personalities in the fields of arts, culture and letters for dialogue, discussions and debate about European culture. The ECP was founded in the premises of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, in November 2001. The objective was – and still is – to strengthen the role of cultural and artistic ideas and initiatives in Europe and to promote ethical and aesthetic values in the European project. By summer 2016 there are about 160 Members from 43 European countries in the Cultural Parliament.

ECP Batumi 15th session is supported by The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Ajara Autonomous Republic of Georgia
Co-organizer in Georgia is Stichting Caucasus Foundation NL/Georgia
Sponsors and supporters:
Ajara Government Office
Ajara Tourism Department
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
Rusudan Petviashvili Art Gallery, Batumi
Wine Company GIUAANI

“The Batumi session takes place in turbulent times for Europe. Apart from establishing new contacts, discussing new interdisciplinary projects and developing ideas on the role of artists as inspirers for the rest of Society the session will also discuss cultural consequences of “Brexit”, the refugee crisis and other burning European issues” – Karl-Erik Norrman – Co-founder and Secretary General of the ECP



Read more...

Gurdjieff and Contemporary Culture

Workshops, Conference, Performances

27-29 of September 2016, Batumi, Georgia.

Creative project, dedicated to one of the remarkable personalities of XX century Giorgi Gurdjieff – “Gurdjieff and Contemporary Culture”, which include scientific conference, workshops and performances.

The project is the initiative of Stichting Caucasus Foundation (SCF)  and Fico Ballet together with international partners (ITI Georgian Centre).

SCF in past was organizer of international conference and publication in 2007 “Gurdjieff in Tiflis”.

Project is aimed during the conference to show relation of contemporary arts forms and Gurdjieff; will be shown two performances and organized several workshops.

Gurdjieff and Contemporary Culture

27-29 September, 2016

Batumi, Georgia

September 27 - BATUMI / GEORGIA

10:00-12:30 Workshop A / Body - Mind - Spirit & Dance Improvisation with Goran Bogdanovski
15:00-17:30 Workshop B
/ Archetypes as a Tool for Dance Improvisation with Sandra Anais

18:00-21:00 Workshop C (part1) / Dervish in progress with Ziya Azazi

September 28 - BATUMI / GEORGIA
10:00   Conference presentations and discussions –

Dr. Levan Khetaguri: Gurdjieff and Culture

Milos Kecman: When the words meet the bones

Sandra Anais : Dancing Archetypes - Uncovering Yourself

Goran Bogdanovski : Breathing as a carrier of the awareness - Dancing the Present

Ziya Azazi: Dervish whirling as an artistic Tool

16:00-19:00  Workshop D (part1) / Gurdjieff dances & Where is my Attention Now? with Miloš Kecman

20:00            - Improvisation performance / Goran Bogdanovski & Sandra Anais

- Performance / Ziya Azazi : Dervish in progress 

September 29 - BATUMI / GEORGIA
10:00-13:00 Workshop D (part2) / Gurdjieff dances & Where is my Attention Now? with Miloš Kecman

15:00-19:00 Workshop C (part2) / Dervish in progress with Ziya Azazi & Sound Bath with Meric Firatli


You could take part as participant, speaker or observer – number of participants is limited.

Deadline for request is 10th of August.

For more information, please, contact us for the registration forms and conditions.

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

In the Frame of Poti Regional Theatres International Festival 24-27 July of 2016 First meeting of Georgian –Iranian cultural platform – performing arts.

Representative of two countries during the round table have exchange ideas, projects and plan future co-productions, joint projects.

Round tables were moderated by Dr. Levan Khetaguri and Dr. Iuri Mgebrishvili.

At the round tables take part: David Sakvarelidze – President of UNESCO ITI Georgian National Centre, Nineli Chankvetadze – Artistic Director of Poti Regional Theatres International Festival, Tengiz Khukhia – Director of Poti Regional Theatres International Festival, Dr. Levan Khetaguri - Secretary General of UNESCO ITI Georgian National Centre  and GRTN, Dr. Mehrdad Rayani-Makhsous – Head of International Relations of Iran Dramatic Center, Siavash Tayeb Taher - Director, play writer, and Researcher, producer, Ehsan Shayanfard  - theatre director, producer, Atefeh Jamali, Forough Jalilian, Morteza Zarei, Meysam Rajabalinejhad, Amir Karimzadeh, Dr. Iuri Mgebrishvili – Manager, Producer, SCF programming Director, Tamar Kiknavelidze – Theatrologist, Chiatura Theatre, Mariam Tsibakhashvili – Theatrologist and more than15 Representatives of different Georgian theatres.

Georgian-Iranian Cultural Platform

Project Initiator – Stichting Caucasus Foundation (SCF) – International Bearou for Caucasian International Projects (IBCCP) The Netherlands-Georgia

Project Partners: Georgian Regional Theaters Network (GRTN), (UNESCO ITI Georgian National Center)

Idea: Dr. Levan Khetaguri – Secretary General of UNESCO ITI Georgian National Centre  and GRTN

Host: Poti Regional Theatre International Festival


Georgian-Iranian relations exist through the centuries, unfortunately we count find a modern structure- institution, which will support intensive relations of artistic relations, its why we decided to create cultural platform, which will support and promote contemporary forms of cultural relations between two countries.

This year in the frame of platform we would like to organized first meeting in July, were we bring to your attention performing arts, when during few days will be meetings and intensive discussions:

-         co-productions

-         exchanges between theatres and performances

-         joint educational and creative programs for students and profesors

-         academic research

-         exchange in cultural management

In future platform will consider different forms of arts and culture through creative educational and academic issues.


The present publication is a result of the international project “CHOROS” – the first project for Georgia realized with support of the EU Programme “Creative Europe”. The parts regarding matters of Georgia have been reflected in the project, including issues of round tables, suggestions not only from project partners, but from different international experts. For delivery of these materials and copyright we are grateful to Eastern Partnership program of European Union “Culture and Creativity”, in particular to Ragnar Sill and Anastasiya Nurzhynska.

We hope the publication will be useful for cultural operators in different countries. The publication is bilingual and is made in Georgian and English.

Publication initiative of Stichting Caucasus Foundation and IBCCP.

Publication for the project was prepared by Arts Research Institute.

Editor of Publication: Dr. Levan Khetaguri

Project Co-coordinator: Dr. Iuri Mgebrishvili

Publication financial supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia.

Soon you will have access to download it for free

CHOROS Lyon, 7-14 July, 2016


For the final step of CHOROS in Lyon were invited Georgian actors: Beqa Barvenashvili (Tbilisi) and Salome Dolidze (Batum) and Niko Kaladze (Batumi) to take part at the workshops and public shows organized by Image Ague; For participation in round tables Dr. Levan Khetaguri and Dr. .Iuri Mgebrishvili.

For the Lyon was prepared photo exhibition of Guram Tsibakhashvili and Tina Kiguradze about Image Ague workshops in Tbilisi and Tserovani, which was opened in Lyon on 14th of July, 2016,  and special publication “CHOROS Dialogues”, which was presented at the Mediathek LORYS on 12th of July, 2016.

Project was supported from Georgia by Ministry of Culture and Monuments protection of Georgia and Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Ajara Autonomic Republic.

Video links:

Audience Development Workshop in Kazan 13-17 June, 2016

Audience development workshop at the Kazan University was run by Professors Dr. Iuri Mgebrishvili and Dr. Levan Khetaguri for the IV International Theater and Education Festival-Forum "NAURUZ" participants.

During 3 days through active participation and interactive workshop participants get the basic skills for audience development.


Culture Indicators for Development Research presentation at the Ministry of Culture and Monuments Protection on 24th May, 2016, Tbilisi

"Culture for Development Indicators" - workshop 24.05.2016

EU and Eastern Partnership Culture and creativity program starts in Georgia project "Cultural Indicators of Development" (CDIS), which aims to improve the economic and sustainable development of the role of culture. Project was launched on May 24, 2016, at The Ministry of Culture and Monuments Protection with workshop by international experts of SCF. Minister of Culture and Monument Protection Mikheil Giorgadze, various agencies and organizations. The meeting discussed the program's goals and objectives; at the same time, defined the role of stakeholders in the process.


CHOREA in Georgia 4-7 June 2016

SCF as local partner will host as co-producer famous polish Theater CHOREA form Lodz, with project CHOREA-INTERACTION-Georgia.


CHOREA Theater, Łódź, Poland and Stichting Caucasus Foundation in Tbilisi, Georgia present program of Chorea’s concerts and workshops in 2016 in Georgia

Concerts of „Ancient Music” and „Rhythm of language” in Tbilisi, Batumi, Khulo

4 - 7 of June

International theatre workshops

Body / Movement / Voice – The Multidimensional actor

Music and Drama Theatre, Tbilisi

4 - 5 of June

International theatre workshops

Body / Movement / Voice – The Multidimensional actor

The workshop organized by CHOREA is based on intensive acting training. The workshop focuses on waking up the “organicity” of an actor, by working with body, dynamic movement, voice, musicality, rhythm, and on applying all these means of expression simultaneously into a singular, complete artistic act. The workshop will be also inspired by the concept of collective actor, based on intensive work with partner, and multidimensional - polyrhythmic and polyphonic - ways of working with the group.

4-5 June in Music and Drama Theatre, Tbilisi,

More at

Concert of Ancient Music

Musical direction: Tomasz Krzyżanowski

Cast: Joanna Chmielecka, Hubert Domański, Sandra Gierzek, Dominika Jarosz, Joanna Kłos, Dominika Krzyżanowska, Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Maciej Maciaszek, Tomasz Rodowicz, Elina Toneva

Duration: 60 min. no intermissions


CHOREA artists create a spectacular concert of ancient music. Broken, odd rhythms and polyphonic chants, reconstructed from twenty five hundred years old inscriptions on papyrus and stone, are vibrating with modern, dynamic energy.  We have tried to interpret this ancient musical material and compositions with reference to very rich Balkan musical tradition, and currently we tend to be drifting towards jazz, oriental sounds and contemporary music. Inspired by the ancient art, we create our own art – deeply modern – created on the clash of unknown, almost lost and forgotten European heritage and contemporary language of sounds.


4th of June, at 5 pm in Music and Drama Theatre,, Tbilisi

6th of June, at 8 pm in New Stage of Batumi Drama Theatre,, Batumi

7th of June, at 5 pm in Drama Theatre, Khulo

Rhythm of language

Music: Tomasz Krzyżanowski

Cast: Maciej Bednarek, Joanna Chmielecka, Hubert Domański, Sandra Gierzek, Dominika Jarosz, Joanna Kłos, Dominika Krzyżanowska, Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Kuba Pałys, Justyna Sobieraj-Bednarek, Elina Toneva

Production: Dominika Krzyżanowska, Tomasz Krzyżanowski


In this musical “mosaicon”, we will hear the Persian temperament, Turkish Orient, Akkadian mystery, Old Greek pathos, Elvish magic, Polish word-games and others. This time, we wanted to find in the rhythm and sound of languages everything that can move and directly touch human sensitivity. We have been searching for the possibility to open, both in the performer and the listener, the new perspective of time, perception and awareness.


5th of June, at 5 pm in Music and Drama Theatre,, Tbilisi

Whole program at and

Concerts and workshops are realized within the project CHOREA - INTERACTIONS: Moldova and Georgia

co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland




Music and Drama Theater, Batumi Theater,  Khulo Drama Theater

Financial support

Ministry Culture PL and Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Ajara a/r



Workshops in Strategic Management

Dr. Iuri Mgebrishvili, programming director of SCF  was selected by EU Eastern Partnership Cultural program as international expert to run training programs in Cultural Strategic Management in Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia.

UNESCO Cultural Indicators workshop

SCF’s experts Dr. levan Khetaguri and Iuri Mgebrishvili invited by EC office in Kiev to attend international workshop dedicated to UNESCO’s Culture for Development Indicators (CDIS)  23-24 March of 2016.

SCF won competition for UNESCO cultural indicators research

The EU Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme has launched a process to implement
the CDIS methodology in Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Belarus, while Moldova is
already undergoing this process.
The Programme has contracted two distinguished International Experts to facilitate the overall
process of planning, knowledge-sharing and quality assurance. We have also selected National
Partners in participating countries to carry out the data collection and analysis according to
the prescribed methodology under strict guidance and monitoring of the International Experts.
The selected National Partner for Georgia is:
The process started in March 2016 and the final results will be published by December 2016.
What are the Culture for Development Indicators (CDIS)?
The absence of internationally recognized indicators and tools to measure culture’s role in
national development is placing the sector at a comparative disadvantage. Cultural sector
indicators are an internationally applied data baseline on the competence of the creative and
culture sector. They equip countries to be more competitive on the international market;
increase information sharing among policy makers, civil society and commerce; identify
knowledge gaps and needs of cultural operators, and identify networks, good practice and
gaps in cultural and creative sectors.
UNESCO’s Culture for Development Indicators (CDIS) gathers already-available government data from a very wide range of sources to build a single picture of the overall health of the cultural sector. UNESCO has developed a methodology to demonstrate culture’s role as both a driver and enabler of development. This CDIS methodology examines seven key policy dimensions: Economy, Education, Governance, Social Participation, Gender Equality, Communication and Heritage.

On completion of the programme at the end of 2016 the results could be submitted to UNESCO for formal validation, after which they will be incorporated in UNESCO’s database alongside those of the other countries which have taken part in the programme.

EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme European Union-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme 2015-2018 aims at further strengthening cultural policies, particularly the Cultural and Creative Sectors, and to strengthen the capacities of the culture sector and the culture operators in the EaP countries.

It also aims to increase the links between public institutions and private actors and to include civil society in the decision making process, thus enhancing the role of culture as a driving force for reform, promotion of inter-cultural dialogue and social cohesion.

The Programme consists of four main components, including (1) cultural indicators and practical research including strengthening national capacities in evidence-based policy; (2) capacity-building in support of modernisation and reform in the cultural sector; (3) development of international collaboration opportunities and partnerships including through participation in the EU's new major grants programme Creative Europe; and (4) carrying out the communications and visibility strategy. The Programme is administered by a consortium led by the British Council with its partners: The Soros Foundation-Moldova, The National Centre for Culture of Poland, and the Goethe-Institut.


Bologna workshop in Kiev

SCF was invited in Kiev to run round table about Bologna and Higher Arts Education, speakers: Dr. Levan Khetaguri, Iuri Mgebrishvili. Round Table was organized by Institute for Cultural Studies of Ukraine. On a round table were invited representatives of Higher Arts Education in Ukraine.


CHOROS in Georgia, supported by Creative Europe 9-15 March 2016

CHOROS is one of the first projects in Georgia supported by Creative Europe program. Chôros is a cultural cooperation project that gathers partners with different backgrounds, from five different cities: Casablanca, Lyon, Sarajevo, Porto and Tbilisi/Batumi.

Chôros is anchored in Theatre and its possibilities for engaging citizens in a dialogue for addressing common problems.

In Casablanca, at the Fabrique Culturelle des Anciens Abattoirs de Casablanca, Chôros brings together Image Aigue and Theatre Nomade artistic teams, developing artistic creations as tools to engage different audiences.

Moroccan Cultural Associations were invited to participate in parallel meetings, focused on discussing cultural education in the country.

Chôros Co-funder

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union


Chôros project members

Image Aiguë, Promoter and Coordinator, Lyon, France

IBCCP, Stichting Caucasus Foundation, Tbilisi, Georgia

SARTR, Sarajevo War Theatre, Sarajevo, Bosnia

Sétepes, Porto, Portugal

Thêatre Nomade, Casablanca, Morocco


Project supporter in Tbilisi and Batumi:


National Youth and Children's Palace

Georgian State Theater and Film University

Batumi Contemporary Arts Space

Batumi Drama Theatre – New Stage




workshops, round tables, performances


Research Presentation in Batumi

On 22nd of February 2016 SCF’s team of International experts: Dr. Levan Khetaguri and Dr. Iuri Mgebrishvili presented Assessment of Arts and Culture resources and need in Ajara Region document at the music center in Batumi. Presentation was moderated by deputy minister Mrs. Natia Sirabidze. As the special guests at presentation presented minister of Mr. Giorgi Tavamaishvili and Mr. Karl-Erik Norman Chairmen of European Cultural Parliament and representatives of different cultural operators and media.

Research document available online:

Series of Lectures: Past and Contemporary of German Theatre

During February- May of 201 6 SCF in cooperation and support of Goethe Institut Tbilisi, with local partner in Batumi – Contemporary Arts Space produced a series of lectures and video screenings about past and contemporary German Theater, the cycle of 10 lectures will be presented by Dr. Professor Levan Khetaguri.

Cultural Observatories Workshop in Ukraine

EU Eastern Partnership Cultural Program invite SCF to take part in cultural observatory workshop leaded by Peter Inkey in Ukraine, December. SCF will work on Observatory issues during 2016 with partner countries in Georgia.

Training in Cultural Project Management


თრენინგი თბილისის მედიათეკების გაერთიანებისთვის

12—13 დეკემბერს 2015 წელს ფონდის მიერ თბილისი მედიათეკების ქსელის თანამშრომლებიშტვის ჩატარდა ინტენსიური თრენინგ პროგრამა - კულტურის საპროექტო მენეჯმენტში. თრენინგ უძღვებოდნენ საერთაშორისო ექსპერტები: ლევან ხეთაგური, იური მღებრიშვილი.

Training in Cultural Project Management

12-13 of December by SCF was organized interactive training program in Cultural Project Management for Tbilisi Mediathecs stuff by international experts: Dr. Levan Khetaguri and dr. Iuri Mgebrishvili.

კანტორის საიუბილეო პუბლიკაცია

2015 წელს ტადეუშ კანტორის იუბილესთან დაკავშირებით (100 წელი - 1915-2015) ფონდის მიერ გამოიცა პირველად წიგნი მის მემკვიდრეობაზე.

ტადეუშ კანტორი - სთეატრო მემკვიდრეობა, თბილსიი 2015

დარჩენილია ტირაჟის მცირე რაოდენობა.

შეძენის მსურველები დაგვიკავშირდით 555 965168

ტადეუშ კანტორი 100

წიგნი ეძღვნება მსოფლიო და პოლონური თეატრის ცნობილ და მნიშვნელოვან რეჟისორს, თეორეტიკოსს, მხატვარს ტადეუშ კანტორს (1915-1990). წელს მსოფლიო მისი დაბადებიდან 100 წელს აღნიშნავს და კრიკოტეკის შექმნის 60 წელს. იგი გახლავთ პლასტიკური ავანგარდისა და მხატვრის თეატრის შემქმნელი. წიგნში თავმოყრილია მისი უნიკალური წარმოდგენების აღწერა, მისი მანიფესტები და სადადგმო ჩანაწერები. აღნიშნული გამოცემით ქართველ მკითხველს პირველად ეძლევა საშუალება ვრცლად გაეცნოს ამ ხელოვანს ვინც სერიოზული გავლენა იქონია მეოცე საუკუნის თეატრზე. წიგნი აგებულია როგორც დამხმარე სახელმძღვანელო და თეატრით დაინტერესებული მკითხველის გარდა განკუთვნილია ხელოვნებით დაინტერესებული ფართო საზოგადოებისთვის.


ტადეუშ კანტორი 100 TADEUSZ KANTOR

Tbilisi Tbilisi 2015
ევროკავშირის კულტურის კვირეული
EU Week of Culture
პატივი გვაქვს მოგიწვიოთ
5 ნოემბერი
გამოფენის გახსნა 18.00
ვიდეო ჩვენება 18.30
დოკუმენტური ფილმი კანტორზე (ქართული თარგმანით)
`ველიოპოლე, ველიოპოლე“ (ინგლისური სუბტიტრებით)
6 ნოემბერი
წიგნის პრეზენტაცია 18.00
შესავალი ლექცია, პროფესორი ლევან ხეთაგური
ვიდეოჩვენება 19.00
`კვდარი კლასი“, კინო ვერსიის რეჟისორი ანჯეი ვაიდა
დაფინანსებულია ევროკავშირის მიერ
მწერალთა სახლი, მაჩაბლის 13

24 ნოემბერი

გამოფენა, ლექცია, ვიდეოჩვენება

ჭიათურის თეატრში

28 ნოემბერი - 4 დეკემბერი

გამოფენა, ლექცია, ვიდეოჩვენება

ბათუმის თანამედროვე ხელოვნების სივრცე

Black Sea Cooperation

Main Projects:

Training Courses in Cultural Management and Marketing May, 2009

Batumi International Theatre Festival July-September

Our Partners For Black Sea Cooperation:

Municipality of Byala, Varna District, Severoiztochen region BULGARIA

NGO Agency for support of cultural initiatives «KusiCreaVision»

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