Stichting Caucasus Foundation       International Center for Culture and Science

Gurdjieff and Contemporary Culture

Workshops, Conference, Performances

27-29 of September 2016, Batumi, Georgia.

Creative project, dedicated to one of the remarkable personalities of XX century Giorgi Gurdjieff – “Gurdjieff and Contemporary Culture”, which include scientific conference, workshops and performances.

The project is the initiative of Stichting Caucasus Foundation (SCF)  and Fico Ballet together with international partners (ITI Georgian Centre).

SCF in past was organizer of international conference and publication in 2007 “Gurdjieff in Tiflis”.

Project is aimed during the conference to show relation of contemporary arts forms and Gurdjieff; will be shown two performances and organized several workshops.

Gurdjieff and Contemporary Culture

27-29 September, 2016

Batumi, Georgia

September 27 - BATUMI / GEORGIA

10:00-12:30 Workshop A / Body - Mind - Spirit & Dance Improvisation with Goran Bogdanovski
15:00-17:30 Workshop B
/ Archetypes as a Tool for Dance Improvisation with Sandra Anais

18:00-21:00 Workshop C (part1) / Dervish in progress with Ziya Azazi

September 28 - BATUMI / GEORGIA
10:00   Conference presentations and discussions –

Dr. Levan Khetaguri: Gurdjieff and Culture

Milos Kecman: When the words meet the bones

Sandra Anais : Dancing Archetypes - Uncovering Yourself

Goran Bogdanovski : Breathing as a carrier of the awareness - Dancing the Present

Ziya Azazi: Dervish whirling as an artistic Tool

16:00-19:00  Workshop D (part1) / Gurdjieff dances & Where is my Attention Now? with Miloš Kecman

20:00            - Improvisation performance / Goran Bogdanovski & Sandra Anais

- Performance / Ziya Azazi : Dervish in progress 

September 29 - BATUMI / GEORGIA
10:00-13:00 Workshop D (part2) / Gurdjieff dances & Where is my Attention Now? with Miloš Kecman

15:00-19:00 Workshop C (part2) / Dervish in progress with Ziya Azazi & Sound Bath with Meric Firatli


You could take part as participant, speaker or observer – number of participants is limited.

Deadline for request is 10th of August.

For more information, please, contact us for the registration forms and conditions.

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