- Publishing the book in Georgian "Bridge Modern Arts in The Netherlands"
- Publishing the book "XX Century French Playwrights and Theatre Theoretics" by Dr. Levan Khetaguri
- Directory "PACYC 2000"
- Book: "Austrian Theatre and Hugo von Hofmannsthal" by Dr. Leven Khetaguri
- Directory "PACYC 2002"
- Directory "PACYC 2003"
- Publication "Future of the Theaters" by Dragan Klaic and Levan Khetaguri
- "Hamlet 400" - edition of the presentations and papers of the conference organizing in 2002, supported by British Counci
- Tadeusz Kantor "Dead Class" in cooperation with Polish Embassy, supported by Polish Theatre Institute
- Book:"FM Radio", play by Nana Janelidze /Georgian, Russian, English/ supported by N&N studio
- Book: "In Movement" Contemporary Dance in The Netherlands
- Newsletter "CAMN-INFO" 6 editions during the year
- Book: Grotowski, volume of articles, Editor: Dr. Levan Khetaguri
- Newspaper: KULTURA - 2006-2010