Stichting Caucasus Foundation       International Center for Culture and Science




  1. Gulliver Clearing House branch in Georgia
  2. Supported by OSGF




  1. Setting up IBCCP
  2. Supported by Kulturkontakt Austria
  3. Publishing the book in Georgian "Bridge Modern Arts in The Netherlands" Supported by The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Moscow
  4. AMSU training courses in Tbilisi
  5. Supported by OSGF and Prins Bernhards Funds
  6. Publishing of book: "XX Century French Playwrights and Theatre Theoretics Directory"
  7. Supported by French Embassy in Tbilisi
  8. Film festival dedicated to Allen Delon
  9. Supported by French embassy in Tbilisi
  10. International Theatre Festival "Theatre+Video" 27 March-2 April
  11. Supported by Kulturkontakt, British Council, Goethe Institute, French Embassy in Tbilisi
  12. Austrian artists mix exhibition in Tbilisi
  13. Supported by Ministry of Foreign affairs of Austria and Ministry of Culture of Georgia
  14. Georgian artists mix exhibition in Baku
  15. Supported by OSGF and OSI Azerbeijan
  16. Masterclass of Robert Sturua "Unknown Hamlet" November Supported by European Cultural Foundation
  17. Azerbejanian artists exhibition in Tbilisi November-December Supported by OSGF
  18. Nats Nas Danza, Spain, Barselona tour in Georgia September Supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain, Frexenet




  1. Art Managers Meeting in the Caucasus. Set up Caucasian Art Managers Network /CAMN/ September
  2. Supported by Royal Netherlands Embassy and Kulturkontakt
  3. Contemporary English playwrights workshop in Tbilisi April
  4. Supported by European Cultural Foundation and British Council
  5. International Theatre Festival "Theatre+Video"
  6. Supported by OSGF, British Council, Embassy of France in Georgia, Kulturkontakt /Austria/
  7. Gulliver meeting in Georgia
  8. Supported by Council of Europe and Royal Netherlands Embassy in Moscow
  9. Performing arts management training course May
  10. Supported by Princ Bernhard Fonds and OSGF
  11. Sponsorship in the Arts - training course May
  12. Supported by Prins Bernhard Fonds and OSGF
  13. Strindberg film Festival April
  14. Supported by Swedish Institute and Royal Swedish Embassy in Moscow
  15. Swedish Cultural Days May June
  16. Supported by Swedish Institute and Royal Swedish Embassy in Moscow
  17. Austrian photographers exhibition - in cooperation with N Gallery September
  18. Supported by the Embassy of Republic of Austria and Kulturkontakt
  19. Workshop for photographers September
  20. Supported by Embassy of Republic of Austria and Kulturkontakt
  21. Book: "Berta von Zutner in Georgia and with Georgians" October Supported by Kulturkontakt
  22. Conference dedicated to the Berta von Zutner October
  23. Supported by Embassy of Republic of Austria and Kulturkontakt
  24. Cloud Shabrol film festival March
  25. Supported by the Embassy of France in Georgia
  26. Documentary film festival about Art October
  27. Supported by the Embassy of France in Georgia and Kulturkontakt
  28. Opening of the branch of SCF in Yerevan /Armenia/ June
  29. Georgian and Armenian artists exhibition in France September
  30. In cooperation with TMS Gallery
  31. Georgian Culture week in Baku: Performance, Workshops, Installations, Exhibitions, concerts, film programme December
  32. Dance Video Festival: "Body Language" November
  33. top



  1. Publishing of book about Hugo von Hofmannsthal
  2. supported by Kulturkontact
  3. Seminar by G.Schvarts about Rembrandt in cooperation with TMS Gallery Supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy
  4. Performing Arts Management and Sponsorship training course April - May Supported by British Council, European Cultural Foundation, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, The Netherlands Theatre Institute
  5. Marketing in the Arts training course April - May
  6. Supported by British council, European Cultural Foundation,
  7. Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, The Netherlands Theatre Institute
  8. International co-operation in the arts training course May
  9. Supported by British council, European Cultural Foundation,
  10. Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, The Netherlands Theatre Institute
  11. Impresario workshop May
  12. Supported By British Council, European Cultural Foundation,
  13. Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, The Netherlands Theatre Institute
  14. Caucasian Arts Managers Meeting August
  15. Supported by PRO HELVETIA, Switzerland
  16. International Theatre Festival "Theatre+Video" March - April
  17. Supported by Kulturkontakt, Austria, British Council, Goethe Institute
  18. Dance video festival "Body Language" November
  19. Supported by Council of Europe, British Council
  20. Tonino Guerra master class April
  21. Supported by Embassy of Italy
  22. Tonino Guerra film festival
  23. Supported by Rustaveli Cinema Hall
  24. Tonino Guerra exhibition
  25. Supported by TMS Gallery and Tbilisi Municipality.





  1. Workshop about Samuel Becket April
  2. Supported by European Cultural Foundation and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ireland
  3. International Theatre Festival "Theatre+Video" March - April
  4. Supported by Austrian Airlines, Kulturkontakt, British Council, Goethe Institute
  5. Management Training Program in Yerevan, Armenia March Supported by European Cultural Foundation and UK Embassy in Yerevan
  6. Irish Directors workshop April
  7. In cooperation with the Theatre and Film University
  8. Supported by European Cultural Foundation and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ireland
  9. Workshops Irish Theatre April
  10. Supported by European Cultural Foundation and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ireland
  11. Book: "Contemporary Dutch Dance" April
  12. Supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy
  13. Book: "Austrian Theatre and Hugo von Hofmannsthal" April
  14. Supported by Kulturkontakt, Austria
  15. Art Management, People Management training course May Supported by Council of Europe, PRO HELVETIA, Switzerland
  16. Sponsorship and Fundraising in the arts training course May Supported by Council of Europe, PRO HELVETIA, Switzerland
  17. Marketing and Business Planning training course May
  18. Supported by Council of Europe, PRO HELVETIA, Switzerland
  19. International Cooperation in the Arts training course May
  20. Supported by Council of Europe, PRO HELVETIA, Switzerland
  21. Jean-Pierre Pincemin et de Claude Viallat in cooperation with TMS Gallery and L'Ambassade de France
  22. CAMN meeting September
  23. Supported by OSI Budapest, Austrian airlines
  24. Conference and festival "Hamlet 400" September
  25. Supported by British Council
  26. Directory "PACYC 2002" November
  27. Supported by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
  28. Publication "Future of the Theaters"
  29. Supported by European Cultural Foundation
  30. Newsletter "CAMN-INFO" 6 editions during the year





  1. Participation at the festival: "Paradise lost" The Netherlands February Supported by the Netherlands Theatre Institute
  2. International Festival: "Theatre + Video" VI edition March - April
  3. Seminar: "Cultural Policy" at the Academy of Art in Vilnius, Lithuania, April Supported by UNESCO Culture Management Chair of Lithuania
  4. Caucasian University training program:
  5. Art Management, People Management May
  6. Supported by OSI Budapest
  7. Caucasian University training program:
  8. Sponsorship and Fundraising in the Arts May
  9. Supported by OSI Budapest
  10. Caucasus University training program:
  11. Marketing and Business Planning May
  12. Supported by OSI Budapest
  13. Caucasian University training program:
  14. International Cooperation in the Arts May
  15. Supported by OSI Budapest
  16. Exhibition: "Orientalism inside and outside", Baku, April
  17. Supported by OSI Azerbaijan
  18. Caucasian Premiere "Antigone" in cooperation with N&N studio May-June Telavi, Kutaisi, Yerevan, Baku
  19. Supported by OSI Budapest
  20. CAMN info -newsletter 6 editions
  21. Exhibition: Rembrandts etchings, Gallery "Varla", Kutaisi, May
  22. Supported by Imereti Development Agency
  23. Exhibition: Rembrandts etchings, Basement Club, Tbilisi, September
  24. Exhibition of photographers: "Three stay in the Silk Road" in cooperation with Baku Art Centre, Baku June
  25. Supported by Silk Road Corporation, S. A, Georgian Embassy in Baku
  26. CAMN annual meeting October Supported by Austrian Airlines
  27. Participation at the International Theatre Festival "Minifest", Rostov, with production "Richard the III" (mimodrama), October
  28. Supported by "Minifest"
  29. Video festival: "Contemporary Dance in the Netherlands", Kutaisi, Tbilisi Supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Tbilisi
  30. Video festival: "Mime and Movement Theatre in the Netherlands" ,Kutaisi December
  31. Supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Tbilisi.
  32. Opening of art gallery "Arts-Lingua" at the University of Language and Culture, May
  33. Supported by the University
  34. Exhibition: "Copies of Medieval Georgian wall paintings"
  35. Gallery Art-lingua, June,
  36. Exhibition: Tbilisi old post cards, Basement Club , November
  37. Participation at the seminar in Bishkek September
  38. Supported by OSI Kyrgyzstan
  39. Research work for the international dance project "Supra" in cooperation with Netherlands, round the year
  40. Hosting for the placement programs:
  41. - Nadir Camaldinov, Azerbaijan, supported by Gulliver Connect
  42. - Mekhti Mamedov, Azerbaijan, supported by SCF
  43. -Gabriele Zaidyte, Lithuania, supported by OSI, Budapest
  44. Consulting activity: Cultural Reform program at the region of Imereti, since May month
  45. Participation conference "Cultural Policy of the states on the Post-Soviet Space", St.Petersburg December
  46. Supported OSI Russia
  47. Participation program :"Development of the Mountain Region - Cultural Tourism and Craft", Sheki, Azerbaijan November
  48. Supported by OSI Azerbaijan.
  49. Newsletter "CAMN-INFO" 6 editions during the year







  1. ENCATC Training Academy - UTRECHT - participation
  2. Publishing of "PACYC - 2003"
  3. International Theatre Festival "Theatre+Video" March-April
  4. CAMN-INFO newsletter - 6 editions
  5. Caucasian University training program:
  6. Arts and Culture Management May
  7. Caucasian University training program:
  8. Sponsorship in the Arts May
  9. Caucasian University training program:
  10. Marketing and Business Planning May
  11. Caucasian University training program:
  12. International Co-operation in the Arts May
  13. Caucasian University training program:
  14. Marketing in the Music in cooperation with Gaudeamus Foundation May
  15. Contemporary Dutch Music Concert in co-operation with Gaudeamus Foundation April
  16. Caucasian University training program:
  17. Marketing of Museums June
  18. Training program in Kiev June
  19. General Assembly
  20. Baltic - Caucasus Platform, Vilnius, Lithuania June
  21. Consulting Imereti Regional Theatre Festival
  22. "SUPRA" - Dutch and Georgian Contemporary Dance project. One month touring in Germany and Netherlands - August, September
  23. Supported by Stichting Entre Nous, Stichting Le Grang Cru, Grand Theatre Groningen, Max Wagener Stichting, Felix Meritis, Stichting Caucasus Foundation, Theorem - Culture 2000, Prins Bernhard Founds, Founds Voor Amateurkunst En Podiumkunsten, Dutch Embassy in Georgia, German Embassy in Georgia, Municipality of Kutaisi
  24. Georgian Days in Amsterdam at the Felix Meritis Foundation in cooperation with FMF September
  25. Marketing training Program for German public University September - Tbilisi
  26. International Culture Fair - "Caucasus 2003". 10 - 17 October
  27. Supported by Austrian Airlines, Austria; Company "Nestle", Denmark; "Camara" Company, Georgia; "Global Erty" Company, Georgia
  28. CAMN meeting October
  29. Georgia-Russian Cultural dialogue: "Arts and Globalisation" October, Tbilisi
  30. Conference "Art and Business" 13 - 16 October, Tbilisi
  31. Round Table - Caucasus Museum - UNESCO 20 - 24 November, Tbilisi. Supported by UNESCO, OSGF
  32. Newsletter "CAMN-INFO" 6 editions during the year







  1. Video festival: Lloyd Webber's Musicals - Tbilisi, Kutaisi February, March Supported by "Nescafe" Company
  2. International Theatre Festival "Theatre+Video" March-April
  3. in cooperation with Goethe Institute, Polish Embassy, French Embassy Supported by "Nescafe" Company
  4. Vide festival: Shakespeare's UK Theatre adaptations, Kutaisi, Tbilisi
  5. Supported by "Nescafe" Company
  6. Video festival: Russian Theatre Archive, June, Tbilisi
  7. Supported by "Nescafe" Company
  8. "Hamlet 400", edition of the presentations and papers of the conference organizing in 2002
  9. Supported by British Council
  10. Book:Tadeusz Kantor "Dead Class" in cooperation with Polish Embassy Supported by Polish Theatre Institute
  11. Book: "FM Radio" , play by Nana Janelidze /Georgian, Russian, English/ Supported by N&N studio
  12. Caucasian University training program:
  13. New Forms of Management and European Entrepreneurship by Giep Hagoort / Utrecht Art School/, May, Tbilisi
  14. Caucasian University training program:
  15. Management in the Arts, by Roger McCann /UK/ May, Tbilisi
  16. Caucasian University training program:
  17. Getting massage across (PR), by Roger McCann /UK/ May, Tbilisi
  18. Caucasian University training program:
  19. Event Management, by Roger McCann /UK/ May, Tbilisi
  20. Master class for composers by Theo Loevendie, April, in cooperation with Tbilisi Conservatory
  21. Supported by Gaudeamus Foundation
  22. Training program "Management in Culture", Kutaisi, October Supported by Kutaisi City Council
  23. Training program :"Marketing in performing arts", November, Baku, Azerbaijan
  24. Supported by OSI Azerbaijan
  25. CAMN annual meeting in Yerevan
  26. Supported by BCCP Armenia
  27. Preparation and editing of data for publication "PACYC 2005-06"
  28. Land art project, in Azerbaijan
  29. Supported by OSI Azerbaijan
  30. Land art project in Georgia
  31. Supported by the Ministry of Culture
  32. Visit of the producers - Verity McCartur and Marcus Davey from London Round House/Preparation of the project Big return in Round House-trip of Rustaveli Theatre in 2006/, March
  33. International Theatre Festival "Highfest" , October, Yerevan, by SCF Armenian office of BCCP
  34. Supported by the Armenian Government
  35. Concert of Contemporary Dutch Music - Theo Loevendie at the Tbilisi Conservatory, April, in cooperation with Gaudeamus Foundartion
  36. Participation of Production "FM Radio-Human voice" at the Gothenburg International Festival, August, Sweden
  37. Supported by Festival
  38. Visit of the delegation from Chekhov Festival Russia for the selection of productions, April
  39. Visit of the Mr. Macei Novak, Director of Polish Theatre Institute for further cooperation, April
  40. Visit of Bill McAlister, UK planning meetings Black Angel, mono performance by Nauritza Matavosian, in cooperation with Armenian Embassy and Athoneli Theatre